Ultimate Love and Power  


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Restore your broken heart and reclaim your personal power with Heidi Rain!

Once upon a time you believed in Happily Ever After.

You felt The Magic in your soul as you imagined falling in love and sharing true loves kiss with your soul’s mate.

You got lost in movies, books, poetry and music, feeling swept away by the indescribable promise of True Love.

You believed Happily Ever After was possible and you believed it was possible FOR YOU. 

You dreamed bold dreams. You had a calling in your heart for MORE. 

But your experiences in waking life turned the fairy tale into something much less magical.

And by way of pain, you decided (without your permission) to abandon your quest for Happily Ever After and you settled for something far less fulfilling  instead.

You went for "it" and you got hurt.

You put yourself out there... an in return, you got betrayed, blindsided, smothered, rejected, abandoned, or neglected.

You decided Love Hurts. 

To avoid the pain,  you needed to develop a strategy.  


You  adopted a dominant Attachment Archetype to survive your broken heartedness.  

These wounded Archetypes were meant to keep you safe, but now, they keep you stuck.

You became less you and more who you NEEDED to be,  until you lost yourself.

You lost your voice, your power, your magic and worst of all, the experience of Happily Ever After.

 And you’ll stay stuck there.

Until one day, you'll feel that old spark of MAGIC deep within that knows there's more for you. You'll feel pulled to change things! 

You know that this is it! It's your turn! You know it's now or never!  

You want to finally be seen, heard, valued, respected, cherished, supported, adored, and UNLEASHED! 

You see that in order to move forward, you need to heal and breakthrough. 

That time is NOW.

Happily Even After exists. 

But it's a DECISION, not a destination.

Are you ready to take a stand for more?

Do you want to know the way Happily Even After?

I'm willing to be your guide. I've charted the course. 

Let us begin. 

It's time to restore your broken heart and reclaim your personal power. 

Heidi Rain




It’s Time To Have All The Love And Power You Desire by Healing Your Wounded Attachment Archetype with Heidi Rain.


INTRODUCING... a brand new way to restore your broken heart and reclaim your personal power with Attachment Archetypes!

Attachment Archetypes: The way home to Love and Power ! A brand new way to unleash your most lovable and powerful Self!

Join us for our live virtual monthly Attachment Archetype Workshops

Live monthly interactive workshops via ZOOM.  The Last Thursday of the month 7-9 PM EST US. 

You'll learn the ins and outs of each Attachment Archetype and the Step by Step Process to Heal and  Unleash your most LOVABLE, EMPOWERED SELF! 

Learn to stop being who you've NEEDED to be for everyone else and UNLEASH your  most powerful, joyful, lovable authentic Sacred Self.

Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and tune in to the Sacred EMMPOWERED Self WITHIN. We'll go deep into each Attachment Archetype! 


Uncover what's behind the Controller Attachment Archetype. Do you are does someone you love:

  1. You feel that you need to convince others how to think, feel or behave in order to avoid problems. 
  2. You want things to go your way and sometimes, you'll manipulate others using charm or shame to get the outcome you're after. 
  3. You know best so you don't want to compromise, cooperate, or negotiate.
  4. You're hyper vigilant and compulsively self reliant. It's all up to you all of the time. 
  5. You have conditional love. You're only able to love others fully when they are compliant with you.

Uncover what's behind the Fixer Attachment Archetype. Do you are does someone you love:

  1. You consider yourself an empath. You feel others and you feel them deeply. 
  2. You have a compulsion to help even when help is not asked for.
  3. You must be needed to have a relationship.
  4. You become resentful when others don’t take or follow your advice or don’t appreciate your help.
  5. Your own problems go unrecognized and your  needs go unmet.


Uncover what's behind the Victim Attachment Archetype. Do you are does someone you love


  1. You have a tendency to ruminate on past disappointments and perceived wrong doings.
  2. You have a deep sense of being different or misunderstood, coupled with a hopelessness of ever being understood, accepted, or known.
  3. You have a tendency to blame other people..
  4. You have a deep-seated rescue fantasy and look to others to provide a sense of security and safety while simultaneously holding the belief it is impossible to be rescued.
  5. You demonstrate a level of treatment resistance by refusing to use the tools given to move out of the role.

Uncover what's behind the Pleaser Attachment Archetype. Do you are does someone you love:


1. You have unbalanced relationships. You do all the giving and accommodating. 

2. You have difficulty making decisions and overvalue the opinions of others.

3. You give up personal truths or desires to avoid rocking the boat or disapproval.

4. You feel overly responsible for the emotions of others and work hard to mitigate the feeling of others.

5. You can be passive aggressive.

Uncover what's behind the Perfectionist Attachment Archetype. Do you are does someone you love


  1. You have difficulty admitting mistakes and overreact to criticism.
  2. You have very black and white, all or nothing thinking.
  3. You judge yourself and others without mercy.
  4. You hold yourself and others to impossibly high expectations.
  5. You have trouble seeing a project through until the end. You procrastinate and lack follow through in areas where you feel ill equipped.


Uncover what's behind the Pretender Attachment Archetype. Do you are does someone you love

  1. You're a chameleon and lack a sense of true identity..
  2. You are a performer, they put on a show and pretend you're fine.
  3. You lie to look good including telling half truths or embellishing accomplishments.
  4.  You have imposter syndrome and deeply fear being found out
  5. You compare yourself to others often and feel jealous, covetous and insecure. 

Uncover what's behind the Withholder Attachment Archetype. Do you are does someone you love

  1. Feelings and vulnerability are difficult for you .
  2. You have vulnerability hangovers and  create distance from others when you feel too close. 
  3. You have poor boundaries around sex. You'd rather just give into sex versus confronting deeper intimacy issues.
  4. You have poor communication. You ghost people.
  5. You have binge restrict cycling with people, places, and things. 


Uncover what's behind the Clinger Attachment Archetype. Do you are does someone you love

  1. You develop feelings/fall in love quickly and project a fantasy relationship onto others.  
  2. You overshare. You share too much, too quickly.
  3. You're loyal to a fault. You're a ride or die with the wrong people. You stay too long. 
  4. You don't have good sensory acuity and fail to read social cues.  You don't recognize the unavailability of the people they are attracted to. Or if you do, you ignore it. 
  5. You seek constant approval, affirmation, reassurance or praise. 

Wounded Attachment Archetype Recovery complete HEALING system from WITHIN.


With a multi pronged approach to your Recovery and Healing from TOXIC. Dysfunctional or WTF (where Trust Failed) Relationships, we know you WILL HEAL FOR GOOD.

You'll have access to all of the workshops PLUS participate in our weekly Wise Council Circles for Q and A LIVE with Heidi Rain and Dug McGuirk. 

I cannot wait to support you. To help you on this path to reclaiming your love and power! 

"Heidi is a genius. She's a brilliant wizard. I don't know how she does what she does. But she just knows things about me without me even telling her. I've never felt so seen and heard in all my life."

Renee M

"Heidi changed my life. I use what she's taught me every day. It's been over a decade of me living my Sacred Self and I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you Heidi for giving me my power back I now know I can do anything because I know how to listen to and obey my Sacred Self."

Melissa M

Is Heidi Rain's Attachment Archetype path right for you?


Do you know deep in your heart that your power has been sucked from you?

Do you want to receive MORE LOVE in your life?

Are you operating at half a tank because all of your gas goes to TOXIC?

Are you ready to find and free your Sacred Self and take your power back NOW?

Do you want to UNLEASH radical love, self acceptance and unstoppable Power from WITHIN?

If so, then this path is definitely for you.

I'll help you DIG DEEP and excavate your most powerful self from WITHIN. 

I'm ready to help you. Are you ready to HEAL for Good?

The journey to Restore Love and Reclaim Power is NOW! GET STARTED TODAY!

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

Single Workshop


Purchase Your Workshop! See the schedule below. Workshops are set by month and occur the last Thursday of every Month at 7-9 EST US. Recordings available.


  • January: The Perfectionist
  • February: The Fixer
  1. March: The Pretender
  2. April: The Victim
  3. May: The Withholder
  4. June: The Clinger
  5. July: The Fixer and The Victim in Relationship
  6. August: The Controller
  7. September: The Pleaser
  8. October: The Controller and the Pleaser in Relationship
  9. November: The Perfectionist and the Pretender in Relationship.
  10. December: The Withholder and the Clinger in Relationship.
Purchase your Workshop NOW!


$833/month JOIN ANYTIME

Best shot at lasting and permanent shift in your consciousness. I will be supporting you every step of the way in a community setting.

  • A year long coaching system to help you reclaim your personal power and restore your heart.
  • Love and Success blueprints and maps to lasting and permanent results.
  • Access to monthly live interactive workshops. Healing from each Attachment Archetype.
  • A complete healing and restoration journey.
  • Deep dive live Q and A Sessions with Heidi Rain  (every wed evening at 7 PM EST) with our community via zoom.
Join Now!


Schedule a Strategic Consultation First

Supernatural Transformation and Radical Results. Just me and you and your entire family if you choose.


  • Private one one one mentorship (in person or Via Zoom)
  • Fly to you interventions (think Supernanny for the whole Family).
  • Virtual Strategic Family and Individual Interventions
  • Couples Coaching
  • Customized Family and Individual Recovery Plans.
  • Archetype Certification and Business Coaching 
Schedule a 90 MINUTE Strategic Consultation

Not sure what package to get? 

If you aren't sure what type of commitment you're ready to make to yourself, then it's best to just start with the self study course. Or, you can schedule a 90 minute strategic session with Heidi Rain to decide the best course for you. 

Book a 90 Minute Strategic Call with Heidi Rain