Heidi Rain

Heal from WITHIN to REIGN in your Happily Even After. 

Learn more about our Recovery Self Study Courses, Online workshops, Coaching Programs, Live Retreats and Coach Certification

Are you ready to heal the wounds that prevent you from having radical love and success? Are you ready to create your very own Happily Even After? Allow Heidi Rain to help you heal from toxic, dysfunctional, codependent ATTACHMENT ARCHETYPES. Learn how to be loved the way you deserve and UNLEASH your ultimate potential.

Let me help you heal your wounded Attachment Archetype

Heidi Rain will help you Heal from WITHIN so you can REIGN in your very own Happily Even After.

Once upon a time you believed in Happily Ever After.

You felt The Magic in your soul as you imagined falling in love and sharing true loves kiss with your soul’s mate.

You got lost in movies, books, poetry and music, feeling swept away by the indescribable promise of True Love.

You believed Happily Ever After was possible and you believed it was possible FOR YOU. 

You dreamed bold dreams. You had a calling in your heart for MORE. 

But your experiences in waking life turned the fairy tale into something much less magical.

And by way of pain, you decided (without your permission) to abandon your quest for Happily Ever After and you settled for something far less fulfilling  instead.

You went for "it" and you got hurt.

You put yourself out there... an in return, you got betrayed, blindsided, smothered, rejected, abandoned, or neglected.

You decided Love Hurts. 

To avoid the pain,  you needed to develop a strategy.  


You  adopted a dominant Attachment Archetype to survive your broken heartedness.  

These wounded Archetypes were meant to keep you safe, but now, they keep you stuck.

You became less you and more who you NEEDED to be,  until you lost yourself.

You lost your voice, your power, your magic and worst of all, the experience of Happily Ever After.

 And you’ll stay stuck there.

Until one day, you'll feel that old spark of MAGIC deep within that knows there's more for you. You'll feel pulled to change things! 

You know that this is it! It's your turn! You know it's now or never!  

You want to finally be seen, heard, valued, respected, cherished, supported, adored, and UNLEASHED! 

You see that in order to move forward, you need to heal and breakthrough. 

That time is NOW.

Happily Even After exists. 

But it's a DECISION, not a destination.

Are you ready to take a stand for more?

Do you want to know the way Happily Even After?

I'm willing to be your guide. I've charted the course. 

Let us begin. 

Heidi Rain


What is your dominant Wounded Attachment Archetype?

Discover your unique Attachment Archetype and unlock insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and hidden behaviors.

Heidi Rain created this Assessment as your key to: Deep Self-awareness: Understand the core of your behaviors.

Healthier Relationships: Forge more fulfilling relationships based on genuine understanding.

Dive In Now! Take Heidi Rain's Wounded Attachment Archetype test and embark on a journey to richer, more meaningful relationships.

Take Heidi Rain's Attachment Archetype Assessment NOW

Discover your hidden prison and get handed the keys to freedom NOW!


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Two Step

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