Heidi Rain, Psychospiritual Teacher and Healer  Specializing in Codependency, Addiction. and Toxic Relationship Recovery. 

Not sure where to start? Book at 90 minute strategic session with Heidi Rain

Reclaim your family! Help your family deal and heal from the impact of addiciton.

Addiction hijacks the entire family. It robs you of your sanity. It makes a smart person feel crazy. It fills you with anxiety, confusion, resentment and pain. It leaves the whole family paralyzed, walking on eggshells and trying to avoid the tripwires that set off Hell. 

You've got to get the expert advice on what to do.

Therapy is great, keep going if you are. It's a great place to feel better in the moment. Al anon is great (for those who are into it). But YOU? You likely need direct and strategic advice. You want to be told what to do when it comes to addiciton.

There is  ALOT of bad advice out there. I've heard and seen it all. People end up worse off. And that really sucks. I don't want that for you!

So,  I've put together for you  countless hours of coaching content. It includes EVERYTHNG YOU WILL NEED to break out of the prison addiciton creates. 

You'll walk away from this self study course with an arsenal of weapons to fight addiction and WIN. 



Go to Dealing With Addiction in the Family Survival Toolkit

Self Study Survival Toolkit

$497.00 USD

Stay or Go Decision Course

Welcome to Heidi Rain's Stay or Go course. Inside, you will find the kyes to gain radical clarity into your relationship and develop an action plan to move forward with certainty. You'll be learning Heidi Rain's 7 step Rapid Detachment method. Enjoy the process and of course all of the benefits that come along with knowing what's truly right for you. 

$447.00 USD

Radical Clarity to Make the Right Decisions NOW!

My Stay or Go Course  empowers you with radical NEW insights into your relationship and partner, enabling you to make the best decisions. It's as simple as following along with the video modules and answering all of my questions. I'm letting you in on the secrets to having your very own crystal ball! You'll confidently predict the future and make accurate predictions and  decisions based off my amazing methodology.

Imagine completing this course and knowing exactly how you feel, what you want, and what to do next. That's the end result of this course. 

Reclaim Your Power. Find, Free and LOVE your Authentic Sacred Self like never before!

Are you ready to break free or HEAL from drama-filled, one-sided, and toxic relationships? I've created a comprehensive program to help you HEAL from the damage caused by toxic relationships. You'll root down in your value, build unshakable confidence and love your sacred self like never before!

  • Fortify Unshakable Self-Worth: Rebuild your belief in yourself, reclaim your value. 
  • Heal from the Past: Recognize and release survival patterns that keep you suffering.
  • Unleash Your Authentic Power: Step out into the world as your most empowered self.

Experience a profound shift in your consciousness, complemented by actionable strategies. It's more than just a coaching program; it's your pathway to the life you've always envisioned.

Learn more about Heidi Rain's Toxic Relationship Recovery Program

I'm Heidi Rain

After growing up and escaping an abusive and addicted childhood, I was materialistically successful, but emotionally bankrupt.   Not exactly the way I'd fantasized my fairytale! But with the courage to look within and by creating a methodology for Toxic Relationship and Codependency Recovery , I was healed and healthy within a year and well on my way to creating my Happily EVEN After.

Now I use what I've learned to help people just like you find healing and gain emotional and psychological freedom. I’ll show you how to end dysfunctional relationship patterns, find and speak your truth, and never settle for less than you deserve again!


"I appreciate Heidi Rain so much!  She was a blessing to me in the most pivotal time in my life and has helped me in more ways than I can count.

 I am free because of her obedience to do what she has been called to do. God has used her in my life for the greater good. I am forever changed and grateful for her coaching.

 She did a damn good job at helping me recover from codependency and now I can’t help but want to fly."

Zina P

"Heidi Rain and her Program changed my life. I enrolled in the program after coming to the realization that some of my relationships were not healthy ones. I knew I was a good person with a good heart and couldn’t figure out why I kept drawing projects instead of partners. I consider myself an intelligent, professional kind, and loving woman but some of my relationships didn’t reflect who I was, and I couldn’t figure out why. I had to take a good look at myself. Heidi helped me realize because of my dysfunctional abusive childhood, I had become Codependent and had learned how to function in dysfunction. I learned in LYFE school that my personality attachment patterns were the people pleaser and the fixer. As a people pleaser I would sometimes say yes when I really wanted to say no. As the fixer I wanted to be the one that rescued. I was that Wonder Woman all for the sake of LOVE. Love that I was still seeking as a little girl from my mother. The Program helped me discover I am worthy of love without any extra, just being who I am is enough. I am enough and my value is priceless. I have learned through the codependency program how to set healthy boundaries and I have learned to see people for who they are regardless of their titles or labels.

I am FREE and I walk in my Freedom without any apologies, but most importantly I have learned how to Love and honor ME. 

Grateful for my Angel

- Loria G

" I first came across Heidi’s videos when I was at my absolute wit’s end in a relationship with an addict. I had no idea how to navigate addiction and had absolutely nothing left to give. I felt defeated. Years of therapy, self-help books, and church wasn’t specific enough and didn’t dig deep enough to provide the breakthrough I desperately needed. I felt hopeless. When I kept attracting the same toxic relationships, I knew it was time to bring in the “big guns” and work with a master mentor/ expert on codependency and addiction. I needed someone to break everything down and do a full remodel. What I didn’t realize is the foundation of the remodel would be inside of ME. Heidi and the Codependency Breakthrough  program helped me find my childhood trauma (even though I’ve been telling myself I had a perfect childhood), define my codependent patterns, take concrete steps to heal, and truly find my VOICE for the first time. Having a mentor and a program that empathized with me and advocated for me set me on a new path to changing those patterns and redrawing those relationships. Today I am equipped to THRIVE."

- Katie V

"Heidi Rain is a wizard at getting to the core of deep routed issues and helping people navigate a path to self-love and acceptance by breaking unhealthy thoughts and behavior patterns. She was able to help me change my perspective in order for personal growth and I have since incorporated her curriculum into my own practice as a licensed clinical therapist.

Heidi was not only integral in my own treatment but I’ve witnessed her facilitate remarkable change in many people’s lives. Heidi is one of the most relatable life coaches and mentors I’ve ever been involved with and I am proud to call her my friend. Her expertise in relationships, self-worth/love and addictions combined with her personal experience and humor allow her to teach individuals how to truly redefine their belief systems and change dysfunctional thought patterns and behaviors which ultimately leads to lives of fulfillment.

As the director of an intensive co-occurring disorders program, Heidi has allowed me to be more comfortable in using my personal experience as a teaching tool and gain confidence as a leader. I often use her methods and teachings to promote discussion and I make a concerted effort to emulate her ease of connectedness in presentation style.

Heidi’s expertise combined with her ability to exercise change is brilliant and, in my opinion, unparalleled. Her efficacy is a true testament to the powerful work she does. Just ask any of her students."

- Meagan Gaine, MSW, LICSW