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Addicted Partner Warrior Talk: Know what you're dealing with.

Navigating a relationship with an addicted person can feel like a constant battle. In this video, "Addicted Partner Warrior Talk: Know What You're Dealing With," Heidi Rain, a leading expert in addiction and codependency, shares insights to help you better understand the dynamics at play. Join Heidi for this empowering conversation and arm yourself with the knowledge you need to handle the challenges presented by a loved one's addiction.

Explore these valuable resources for further support and personal growth: Codependency Assessment: Are you codependent? Take our Codependent Attachment Personality Pattern Test to gain clarity and pave the way for recovery: https://addictionandcodependency.mykajabi.com/opt-in-5b8546d7-5c4a-4e2a-8ba3-606eddabf8b7

Addiction in the Family Courses: To deepen your understanding of addiction and its influence on family relationships, consider exploring our tailored courses here: https://www.lovecoachheidi.com/addiction-in-the-family/

Recovering from a Toxic or Codependent Relationship? If you're stepping out of a harmful relationship, we offer additional resources to support your healing journey. Find more information here: https://www.lovecoachheidi.com/codependency-coaching/

Coaching with Heidi Rain: Seeking personalized guidance? Engage in one-on-one coaching sessions with Heidi to address your unique challenges and goals. Book a session here: https://www.lovecoachheidi.com/semi-private-coaching/

Request More Information: For further details or inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out. https://www.lovecoachheidi.com/cta/

Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Subscribe to the channel for more insightful videos, and join a community of warriors bravely facing the challenges of addiction and codependency. Together, let's step into a future of understanding, resilience, and healthy relationships.




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